The mediainfo is a command line tool that displays information about video and audio files. Information is grouped into categories such as general, video, audio, text, chapters, and other.
One of the ways to control an LED is a GUI application which sends commands from PC to microcontroller via serial port to perform required actions.
This tutorial shows how...
The gifsicle is a command line tool that allows to create, edit, optimize, retrieve information, and perform other operations with GIF images.
This tutorial demonstrates how to install gifsicle on...
The jpegoptim is a command line tool that allows to compress JPEG and JPG images. This tool provides lossless optimization based on Huffman tables and lossy optimization where user can...
The xlsx2csv is a command line tool that allows to convert MS Excel (XLSX) files to CSV files. This tool requires the Python interpreter.
This tutorial shows how to install...
The pngquant is a command line tool that allows to compress PNG images. Images are converted to 8-bit PNG format with alpha channel in order to reduce the size. Usually...
SHA-512/256 is a truncated version of SHA-512. Algorithm is the same as SHA-512 but differs initial hash values (IVs) and final result is truncated to 256 bits to match the...
One of the ways to free up disk space on the system is to delete the duplicate files. The fdupes is a command line tool that allows to find duplicate...