While working with data, we may need to perform various operations. For example, to check if two arrays have at least one common element. A table includes a links to...
Hyperfine is a tool that allows to benchmark commands via command line. This tool runs command several times and measures execution time of it.
This tutorial shows how to install...
The micro is a text editor that allows to create and modify text files via command line. It supports syntax highlighting, line numbers, common keybindings (CTRL+C, CTRL+V, …), undo/redo, text...
While working with data, we may need to perform various operations. For example, to count the frequency of each element in an array. A table includes a links to posts...
While working with data filtering, sometimes we may need to check if a string contains only numbers. Programming languages provides various methods to do that. A table includes a links...
GitHub CLI is a tool that enables to login to GitHub account via command line and manage pull requests, issues, releases, gists, and other GitHub actions.
This tutorial demonstrates how...
This post presents circuit for blinking LEDs according to rhythm of the music. A microphone picks up sound waves and converts them into an electrical signal. Circuit is based on...
The bat is a tool that allows to display the contents of a file on the command line. The bat is similar to the cat command, with additional features such...
While working with data filtering, we may need to remove all non-numeric characters from a string. Programming languages provides various methods to do that. A table includes a links to...
While working with text processing, we may need to reverse a string. This means to change the order of the characters in backward direction. Programming languages provides various methods to...