When working with MySQL, you may need to remove all rows from a table while keeping its structure intact. MySQL provides two main ways to achieve this: using the DELETE...
In MySQL, when rows are deleted from a table with an AUTO_INCREMENT primary key, gaps in the sequence may appear. While this typically doesn't impact functionality, there may be cases...
When working with MySQL, you may sometimes need to terminate specific connections, especially if they are causing performance issues, consuming unnecessary resources, or stuck in a sleep state. This tutorial...
Deleting a MySQL user account is essential for database administrators to ensure the security and efficiency of the MySQL database server. The DROP USER statement deletes one or more MySQL...
MySQL offers various metadata about databases and tables. When working with MySQL, monitoring database and table sizes is essential for optimizing performance and managing storage. This tutorial demonstrates how to...
Whether you're troubleshooting an issue, ensuring compatibility with specific software, or simply exploring new features, knowing the MySQL version is an essential step. This tutorial demonstrates how to check MySQL...
Managing active connections in MySQL is crucial for database administrators to ensure optimal performance and resource allocation. Whether you're monitoring the server's health or troubleshooting performance issues, knowing how to...
The SET PASSWORD statement allows changing the password for a user in the MySQL server. Provided password is interpreted as a clear text string. The password is passed to the...
MySQL allows encrypting and decrypt data using the official AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm.
The AES_ENCRYPT() function encrypts the string with the specified key and returns the encrypted data in...
The CREATE USER statement allows creating a new user in the MySQL server. Users are stored in the mysql.user system table. A newly created user has no privileges. The password...