A Unix timestamp represents the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix Epoch (January 1, 1970, at 00:00:00 UTC). It is widely used as a standard for timekeeping in programming...
Gatus is a lightweight service health monitoring tool that helps monitor the uptime and performance of websites, APIs, databases, and other network services. It supports HTTP, TCP, DNS, ICMP, and...
Monitoring the boot date and time of a Linux system is crucial for system administration and troubleshooting. Knowing the last boot date and time is essential for diagnosing performance issues...
Gotenberg is an open-source API-based document conversion and generation service designed primarily for converting HTML, Markdown, and various document formats into PDF files. It is written in Go and provides...
TriliumNext Notes is an open-source, cross-platform and self-hosted note-taking application designed to help users build comprehensive personal knowledge bases. It is a community-driven fork of the original Trilium Notes, which...
SQLFluff is an open-source SQL linter and formatter designed to enforce SQL style consistency and catch errors in SQL code. It supports multiple SQL dialects, including ANSI, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and...
Ruff is a fast Python linter and formatter designed to improve code quality and enforce style guidelines. Designed for high performance, Ruff offers an extensive set of linting rules and...
The yamllint is a command line tool used to check YAML files for syntax errors, formatting issues, and best practices. It helps ensure that YAML files are well-formed and follow...
SurrealDB is a versatile database designed to simplify backend development by combining features of traditional relational, document, graph, and key-value databases. It provides real-time queries, built-in authentication, and native support...
Speedtest Tracker is an internet speed monitoring tool that continuously tests the internet connection and provides detailed reports. It allows users to track their network speed over time, helping identify...