Check Xdebug Version

Check Xdebug Version

Xdebug is a popular PHP extension used by developers to debug code, analyze performance, and gain insights into the execution of their applications. It provides features like step debugging, stack...
Get Extension Functions in PHP

Get Extension Functions in PHP

PHP offers support for extensions, allowing developers to leverage additional functionality beyond the core language. Sometimes, you may want to inspect or interact with a specific extension to understand its...
Get PHP Maximum Execution Time Value

Get PHP Maximum Execution Time Value

When working with PHP, understanding the environment and configuration settings is crucial for optimizing the application's performance. One such setting is the max_execution_time directive, which limits how long a PHP...
Check if OPcache is Enabled in PHP

Check if OPcache is Enabled in PHP

If you're working on optimizing the performance of the PHP application, OPcache is a great tool to have enabled. OPcache improves the performance of PHP by storing precompiled script bytecode...
Check PHP Version

Check PHP Version

When working with PHP, whether you're developing a website or troubleshooting an application, knowing the PHP version is essential. Different PHP versions support different features, and newer versions typically offer...
Get PHP Memory Limit Value

Get PHP Memory Limit Value

When working with PHP, understanding the memory limit set for the scripts can be critical for ensuring smooth performance and avoiding unexpected memory-related errors. PHP's memory_limit directive specifies the maximum...