Get PHP Memory Limit Value

Get PHP Memory Limit Value

When working with PHP, understanding the memory limit set for the scripts can be critical for ensuring smooth performance and avoiding unexpected memory-related errors. PHP's memory_limit directive specifies the maximum amount of memory a script is allowed to allocate, and it can significantly impact the scalability and stability of the application. This tutorial explains how to get PHP memory limit value.

The ini_get function in PHP is used to retrieve the value of a configuration option. By passing memory_limit as a parameter, it fetches the value of the memory limit directive defined in the PHP configuration file (php.ini).


$memoryLimit = ini_get('memory_limit');
echo $memoryLimit;

If the memory_limit is set to 128M in the php.ini file, the output of the script will be 128M.

If the code returns -1, it indicates that there is no memory limit.

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