Extract Tar Gz File in Linux

Extract Tar Gz File in Linux

A tar is an archive file (.tar) for storing collection of files and directories. Various algorithms can be used to compress a tar archive file. The gzip algorithm is one...
Create Tar Gz File in Linux

Create Tar Gz File in Linux

A tar is an archive file (.tar) to store collection of files and directories. A tar archive file can be compressed using various algorithms. The gzip algorithm is one of...
Clear Bash History in Linux

Clear Bash History in Linux

In Linux operating system all executed commands are tracked and stored in the history file. It can be used to view and recall the past commands. However, for security reasons...
Clear Swap Memory in Linux

Clear Swap Memory in Linux

Swap memory is a storage space on the disk which is used when there is no RAM space available for programs execution. Can happen that system uses swap memory even...