Install Coinmon on Raspberry Pi

Install Coinmon on Raspberry Pi

Coinmon is a command line tool that allows to check the price of cryptocurrencies. This tool gets data from public API and displays information in the table.

This tutorial demonstrates how to install Coinmon on Raspberry Pi.

Connect to Raspberry Pi via SSH. Coinmon requires Node.js runtime environment. So make sure you have installed Node.js and npm on the system. Run the following command to install Coinmon:

sudo npm install -g coinmon

Once installed, we can check version of Coinmon:

coinmon --version

Now simply run the coinmon command:


By default, command displays top 10 cryptocurrencies ranked according to their market cap. We can use -t option to display top n cryptocurrencies:

coinmon -t 5
Display top 5 cryptocurrencies with Coinmon on Raspberry Pi

The -f option allows to search cryptocurrencies by symbols:

coinmon -f usdc,bch

If Coinmon is no longer needed, you can remove it with command:

sudo npm uninstall -g coinmon

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