The new
keyword allows creating an instance of a class. In versions prior to PHP 8.0, the new
keyword can only be used with identifiers.
Let's say we have a ApiClient
class ApiClient
public function __construct(string $token) {}
Then we create an instance of a class using the new
keyword. All the following use cases of new
keyword are valid:
require_once 'ApiClient.php';
$client1 = new ApiClient('token'); // Valid
$className = ApiClient::class;
$client2 = new $className('token'); // Valid
$prefix = 'Api';
$entity = 'Client';
$className = $prefix.$entity;
$client3 = new $className('token'); // Valid
However, in versions prior to PHP 8.0, the new
keyword cannot be used with expressions. It means that the following use cases of new
keyword are invalid:
require_once 'ApiClient.php';
$client1a = new 'ApiClient'('token'); // Parse error
$client1b = new ('ApiClient')('token'); // Parse error
$client2a = new ApiClient::class('token'); // Parse error
$client2b = new (ApiClient::class)('token'); // Parse error
$prefix = 'Api';
$entity = 'Client';
$client3a = new $prefix.$entity('token'); // Fatal error, it is treated as:
// (new $prefix).$entity('token')
$client3b = new ($prefix.$entity)('token'); // Parse error
$client3c = new 'Api'.$entity('token'); // Parse error
$client3d = new ('Api'.$entity)('token'); // Parse error
Since PHP 8.0, the new
keyword can be used with expressions using the following syntax:
new (expression)(arguments)
So, in PHP 8.0 or newer versions, all the following use cases of new
keyword are valid:
require_once 'ApiClient.php';
$client1 = new ('ApiClient')('token'); // Valid
$client2 = new (ApiClient::class)('token'); // Valid
$prefix = 'Api';
$entity = 'Client';
$client3a = new ($prefix.$entity)('token'); // Valid
$client3b = new ('Api'.$entity)('token'); // Valid
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