HSV is a color space that has three components: hue, saturation and value. When implementing object tracking based on color, images are often converted from RGB to HSV color space...
While working with image processing, we might need to save an intermediate image or final resulting image to a specified file.
OpenCV provides the imwrite function that allows to save...
While working with text processing we might need to get last N characters of a string. Programming languages provides various methods to do that. A table includes a links to...
While working with text processing we might need to get first N characters of a string. Programming languages provides various methods to do that. A table includes a links to...
While working with text processing we might need to remove last N characters from a string. Programming languages provides various methods to do that. A table includes a links to...
While working with text processing we might need to remove first N characters from a string. Programming languages provides various methods to do that. A table includes a links to...
YOLO (You Only Look Once) is an object detection algorithm that allows to detect objects in an images in near real-time. YOLOv4 is 4th version of YOLO which introduced in...
TensorFlow Lite is an open-source library that enables to run machine learning models and do inference on end devices, such as mobile or embedded devices. We cannot train a model...
TensorFlow 2 provides the TFLiteConverter which allows converting a TensorFlow 2 model to TensorFlow Lite model. This model uses the .tflite file extension. TensorFlow Lite models can be executed using...
Ascii85, also called Base85, is an encoding and decoding scheme that is used to convert binary data to an printable ASCII text format, and vice versa. Ascii85 (Base85) uses 85...