Convert RGB to Hex Color

RGB color code values are based on decimal number system and are defined by integer values from 0 to 255. For example, rgb(255,0,0) represents red color. Hex color code values...

Hex Encode and Decode

Hex encoding is used to convert binary data into hexadecimal representation. It allows to get human-readable format of binary data. Hex decoding is opposite process. It is used to convert...

HTML Escape and Unescape

There are some special characters that are reserved for use in HTML document. It means that browser will parse these characters as HTML code instead of displaying them as text...

ROT13 Encode and Decode

ROT13 is a substitution cipher that replaces every letter in the string with the 13th alphabet letter after it. ROT13 is its own inverse, so the same algorithm is used...

Generate UUID Version 4

UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit number, commonly represented as a hexadecimal string. UUID can be used to uniquely identify objects across a network. There are various versions of...

Send POST Request

POST is one of the HTTP methods which is used to send data to a server to create a resource. Programming languages provides various methods to send POST requests. A...

JSON Encode and Decode

JSON is a text-based data format that commonly used to store or transmit data objects between systems. JSON consist of collection of name/value pairs and an ordered list of values...
Generate MD5 Hash

Generate MD5 Hash

MD5 is a cryptographic hash function that accepts a string of any length and returns a 128-bit fixed-length digest value, commonly represented as a sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits. MD5...

Generate QR Code

QR code is a two-dimensional barcode which stores encoded data. It can be a website URL, contact details, location coordinates, email address, plain text, etc. QR code can store more...