Convert Celsius to Kelvin

Celsius and Kelvin are two scales for temperature measurement. Sometimes we might need to perform temperature conversion from Celsius to Kelvin. A table includes a links to posts with examples...

Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

Celsius and Fahrenheit are two scales for temperature measurement. Sometimes we might need to perform temperature conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius. A table includes a links to posts with examples...

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

Celsius and Fahrenheit are two scales for temperature measurement. Sometimes we might need to perform temperature conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit. A table includes a links to posts with examples...

Generate BLAKE2b Hash

BLAKE2 is a cryptographic hash function based on BLAKE. BLAKE2b is a variant of BLAKE2, which is optimized for the usage with 64-bit platforms. A table includes a links to...

Generate MD5 Hash of File

MD5 is a cryptographic hash function that accepts input data and returns a 128-bit fixed-length digest value, commonly represented as a sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits. MD5 can be used...

Generate Argon2i Password Hash

Argon2 is a cryptographic hash function that commonly used for password hashing. Argon2d, Argon2i and Argon2id are variants of Argon2. Argon2i has resistance to side-channel timing attacks. A table includes...