While working with data filtering, sometimes we may need to check if a string contains a substring. Programming languages provides various methods to do that. A table includes a links...
While working with data filtering, sometimes we may need to check if a string ends with substring. Programming languages provides various methods to do that. A table includes a links...
While working with data filtering, sometimes we may need to check if a string starts with substring. Programming languages provides various methods to do that. A table includes a links...
Working with file system sometimes we need to count all directories in a given directory and subdirectories. Programming languages provides various methods to do that. A table includes a links...
Working with file system sometimes we need to count all files in a given directory and subdirectories. Programming languages provides various methods to do that. A table includes a links...
Working with dates sometimes we need to perform various arithmetic operations. Learn how to calculate number of weeks between two dates using different programming languages. A table includes a links...
SHA-512/256 is a truncated version of SHA-512. Algorithm is the same as SHA-512 but differs initial hash values (IVs) and final result is truncated to 256 bits to match the...
SHA-512/224 is a truncated version of SHA-512. Algorithm is the same as SHA-512 but differs initial hash values (IVs) and final result is truncated to 224 bits to match the...
Execution time of a code is amount of time spent by the system executing that code. Programming languages provides various methods how measure execution time of a code in seconds...
Base64URL is an encoding and decoding scheme that is similar to Base64. Base64 uses some characters for encoding data that directly cannot be used in URLs. The +, / and...