For certain scenarios, employing the factory design pattern becomes necessary when creating an instance of a class. Sometimes, may be required to dynamically change services based on the application's debug mode. This technique allows replacing services with alternative implementations or configurations when debugging, providing a flexible way to adapt the application behavior to the development environment. This tutorial shows how to change service based on debug mode using factory in Symfony 7.
Within the .env
file, it is possible to set the APP_ENV
variable, determining the operational environment in which the application functions.
Typically, debug mode is enabled in the dev
and test
environments, while it remains disabled in the prod
Symfony offers a mechanism to utilize expressions as service factories. This can help in special cases such as changing the service based on a parameter.
The following example shows how to change the service based on the debug mode:
# ...
factory: '@=parameter("kernel.debug") ? service("App\\Service\\LoggingNotifier") : service("App\\Service\\Notifier")'
The LoggingNotifier
service is used when debug mode is enabled, Notifier
The following code can be used for testing:
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Service\NotifierInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Attribute\Route;
class TestController
public function index(NotifierInterface $notifier): Response
// If debug is enabled - Output: App\Service\Notifier
// If debug is disabled - Output: App\Service\LoggingNotifier
return new Response($notifier::class);
namespace App\Service;
interface NotifierInterface
namespace App\Service;
class Notifier implements NotifierInterface
namespace App\Service;
class LoggingNotifier implements NotifierInterface
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