Create Alias of Built-in Class using class_alias in PHP 8.3

Create Alias of Built-in Class using class_alias in PHP 8.3

In PHP, the class_alias function is used to create an alias or alternate name for an existing class. The aliased class works the same as the original class. This can be particularly useful in situations where you want to provide a more intuitive or simplified name for a class, especially when dealing with third-party libraries or frameworks. It also can be helpful to maintain backward compatibility while renaming class.

Since PHP 8.3, it is possible to alias built-in PHP classes and interfaces.


class_alias('stdClass', 'NewStdClass');

$obj = new NewStdClass();
print_r($obj); // stdClass Object()

The code uses class_alias to create an alias, NewStdClass, for the built-in PHP class stdClass. Even when using the alias to create an object, it still belongs to the original stdClass class.

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