First-class Callable Syntax in PHP 8.1

First-class Callable Syntax in PHP 8.1

PHP offers Closure::fromCallable static method which allows creating a new anonymous function also known as Closure from specified callback using the current scope.

For example, if we want to return class private method as a callback, we can use Closure::fromCallable as follows:



class Validator
    public function getValidationCallback(): Closure
        return Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'validateData']);

    private function validateData(array $data): void {}

require_once 'Validator.php';

$validator = new Validator();
$callback = $validator->getValidationCallback();
$callback([1, 2, 3]);

Since PHP 8.1, we can use first-class callable syntax for creating a new anonymous function (Closure). Validator class can be rewritten as follows:



class Validator
    public function getValidationCallback(): Closure
        return $this->validateData(...);

    private function validateData(array $data): void {}

First-class callable syntax can be used with:

  • Functions

// Old way
$callback = Closure::fromCallable('strlen');
echo $callback('Hello'); // 5

// New syntax
$callback = strlen(...);
echo $callback('Hello'); // 5
  • Class methods

class Validator
    public function getCallbackA(): Closure
        return Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'validateData']); // Old way

    public function getCallbackB(): Closure
        return $this->validateData(...); // New syntax

    private function validateData(array $data): void {}
  • Class static methods

class Validator
    public function getCallbackA(): Closure
        return Closure::fromCallable([Validator::class, 'validateData']); // Old way

    public function getCallbackB(): Closure
        return self::validateData(...); // New syntax

    private static function validateData(array $data): void {}

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