Get Default Bundle Configuration Using Console Command in Symfony 7

Get Default Bundle Configuration Using Console Command in Symfony 7

Symfony has continually evolved to provide developers with robust tools and features for building web applications. In Symfony, understanding and configuring bundles is a crucial aspect of crafting a well-architected application. This tutorial demonstrates how to get default bundle configuration using console command in Symfony 7.

Symfony provides the config:dump-reference command, which allows getting the default configuration for a given bundle. For example, the following command obtains the default configuration details for the SecurityBundle:

php bin/console config:dump-reference SecurityBundle

Once executed, Symfony will present a structured output detailing the default configuration options available for the SecurityBundle.

Here's an example snippet from the output:

# Default configuration for "SecurityBundle"
    access_denied_url:    null # Example: /foo/error403
    session_fixation_strategy: migrate # One of "none"; "migrate"; "invalidate"
    hide_user_not_found:  true
    erase_credentials:    true
        strategy:             ~ # One of "affirmative"; "consensus"; "unanimous"; "priority"
        service:              ~
        strategy_service:     ~
        allow_if_all_abstain: false
        allow_if_equal_granted_denied: true

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