Get Installed C++ Packages using vcpkg

Get Installed C++ Packages using vcpkg

When working on C++ projects, managing dependencies is a crucial aspect of development. Keeping track of installed packages and their versions can quickly become overwhelming. Thankfully, vcpkg, a powerful package management tool, have emerged to simplify this process and make it more efficient. This tutorial explains how to get the installed C++ packages using vcpkg.

The vcpkg list command provides an organized and detailed overview of the installed C++ packages. The command prints information about each package, including the package name, version number and description. The developers can efficiently maintain a stable and reliable development environment while ensuring compatibility and reproducibility.

vcpkg list

Here's an example of the output you might expect by running the command:

armadillo:x64-linux-dynamic                       12.0.1              Armadillo is a high quality linear algebra libra...
at-spi2-atk:x64-linux-dynamic                     2.38.0              Implementation of the ATK interfaces in terms of...
at-spi2-core:x64-linux-dynamic                    2.44.1#1            Base DBus XML interfaces for accessibility, the ...
atk:x64-linux-dynamic                             2.38.0#5            GNOME Accessibility Toolkit
blas:x64-linux-dynamic                            2023-03-25          Metapackage for packages which provide BLAS
brotli:x64-linux-dynamic                          1.0.9#5             a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm...
bzip2:x64-linux                                   1.0.8#3             bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, high-q...
bzip2:x64-linux-dynamic                           1.0.8#3             bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, high-q...

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