Omit Variable in Catch Block using PHP 8.0

Omit Variable in Catch Block using PHP 8.0

In versions prior to PHP 8.0, in order to catch an exception, we need to store it in a variable. However, there can be situations when variable is not used. In the following example, we need to specify the variable in the catch block even if it's not used:


class AccessDeniedToDeleteDataException extends Exception {};

function deleteData() {
    throw new AccessDeniedToDeleteDataException('Denied');

try {
} catch (AccessDeniedToDeleteDataException $exception) {
    echo 'Delete data not allowed';

In our case, the exception type AccessDeniedToDeleteDataException is clear enough to convey an idea of the exception. So, the details about exception are irrelevant.

Since PHP 8.0, we can omit a variable in the catch block.


// ...

try {
} catch (AccessDeniedToDeleteDataException) {
    echo 'Delete data not allowed';

Note that exceptions such as Exception or Throwable are too general, and catching them without capturing them to variables might be a bad practice.

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