Print Only HTTP Status Code with wget

Print Only HTTP Status Code with wget

When working with web servers or troubleshooting HTTP requests, it can be handy to retrieve only the HTTP status code from a response. This can be helpful for testing the availability of an API endpoint or monitoring the health of a website. This tutorial explains how to print only HTTP status code with wget.

The wget command does not have a built-in option to print only the HTTP status code. To achieve this, we need to combine it with other commands, such as awk, to extract the code.

wget -S -qO /dev/null 2>&1 | awk '/HTTP\/[0-9.]+/{print $2}'


  • -S - displays the server response headers, including the HTTP status line.
  • -q - it stands for "quiet", allowing the command to run silently without showing download progress.
  • -O /dev/null - redirects the downloaded content to /dev/null, ensuring the body of the response is not saved.
  • 2>&1 - it redirects the stderr (where the headers are written) to stdout, allowing us to process all output in the next step.
  • /HTTP\/[0-9.]+/ - matches lines containing the HTTP version (e.g., HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2).
  • {print $2} - extracts and prints the second field of the matching line, which is the HTTP status code (e.g., 200, 404).

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