Readonly Properties in PHP 8.1

Readonly Properties in PHP 8.1

Since PHP 8.1, class properties can be declared as readonly. This means that class property can be initialized once and cannot be modified later. Readonly properties are declared with readonly keyword.

Let's say we have User class which has readonly property.



class User
    private readonly int $id;

    public function setId(int $id): void
        $this->id = $id;

Next, we created an instance of the User class. A second call of the setId method produces a fatal error because id property already set by the first setId method call.


require_once 'User.php';

$user = new User();
$user->setId(10); // OK
$user->setId(20); // Error
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot modify readonly property User::$id in ...

There are some notes for readonly properties.

Only allowed on typed properties

Readonly properties should be declared with type. The reason is that properties declared without a type has null value by default and is not compatible with readonly properties.


class User
    private readonly int $id; // OK

    private readonly $name; // Error
Fatal error: Readonly property User::$name must have type in User.php on line 7

Only initialized inside the class

Readonly properties can only be initialized inside the class, either from the constructor or method. Readonly properties cannot be initialized outside the class (from global scope).



class User
    private readonly int $id;

    private readonly string $name;

    public readonly int $age;

    public function __construct(int $id)
        $this->id = $id;

    public function setName(string $name): void
        $this->name = $name;

require_once 'User.php';

$user = new User(10); // OK
$user->setName('John'); // OK
$user->age = 25; // Error
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot initialize readonly property User::$age from global scope in main.php:7

Allowed with promoted properties

Readonly properties can be declared in constructor as promoted properties as well.


class User
    public function __construct(private readonly int $id) // OK

Default value is not allowed

Readonly properties cannot have default value.


class User
    private readonly string $role = 'Viewer'; // Error
Fatal error: Readonly property User::$role cannot have default value in User.php on line 5

Unset is not allowed

Readonly properties cannot be unset after initialization.



class User
    private readonly int $id;

    public function __construct(int $id)
        $this->id = $id;

    public function unsetId(): void
        unset($this->id); // Error

require_once 'User.php';

$user = new User(10);
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot unset readonly property User::$id in User.php:14

Redeclaration is not allowed in inheritance

When a child class extends the parent class, it is not allowed to override a readonly property with a read-write property.



class User
    public readonly string $id;



class Student extends User
    public string $id; // Error
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare readonly property User::$id as non-readonly Student::$id in ...

This rule applies in the opposite way as well. It is not allowed to override a read-write property with a readonly property.



class User
    public string $id;



class Student extends User
    public readonly string $id; // Error
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare non-readonly property User::$id as readonly Student::$id in ...

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