Trim Multibyte String using mb_trim in PHP 8.4

Trim Multibyte String using mb_trim in PHP 8.4

PHP offers trim, ltrim and rtrim functions to remove whitespace (by default) or specified characters from both sides, beginning, or end of the string. These functions are particularly useful for cleaning up user input. However, the trim, ltrim, and rtrim functions do not support multibyte characters, which can lead to issues when working with languages that use multibyte encodings such as UTF-8.

Since PHP 8.4, the mb_trim, mb_ltrim and mb_rtrim functions has become available. These functions support multibyte strings and can trim any multibyte characters as well. The default list of trimmed whitespace characters has been updated to include several other commonly trimmed characters.


echo '|'.mb_trim(' 卞卞 ').'|';  // |卞卞|
echo '|'.mb_ltrim(' 卞卞 ').'|'; // |卞卞 |
echo '|'.mb_rtrim(' 卞卞 ').'|'; // | 卞卞|

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