An ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 is an electronic device that allows to measure a distance. This sensor provides the non-contact distance measurement between 2 cm to 400 cm (1 in to...
A popup menu button displays a list of menu items when it was clicked.
A popup menu button can be created using PopupMenuButton class. The itemBuilder property is used to...
A ButtonBar allows arranging buttons in a row. If there is not enough horizontal space, then buttons laying out into a column. The alignment property defines how buttons should be...
A dropdown button displays a list of items when it was clicked and lets the user select one of them.
A DropdownButton class can be used to create a dropdown...
An outlined button is a rectangle shaped button that decorated with rounded corners. It is a Material Design button.
A OutlinedButton class is used for creating an outlined button. By...
An icon button is a button that contains only an icon without a text label.
A IconButton class is used to create an icon button. We can change a color...
An elevated button is a button with elevation that commonly contains a text label in the center. Elevation increases when the button is pressed by the user. An elevated button...
A text button is a zero elevation button that commonly contains a text label in the center. It is a Material Design button.
A TextButton class is used to create...
A floating action button (FAB) is a circular button that contains an icon in the center. FAB is used to perform the primary action on a screen. Recommend to use...
A Stack allows position its children's on top of each other. A child position can be controlled using Positioned class. It has top, right, bottom, and left properties which defines...