Check JavaScript Dependencies Vulnerabilities using npm

Check JavaScript Dependencies Vulnerabilities using npm

When working with JavaScript projects, it's essential to ensure that the dependencies used in the codebase are free from vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities can expose the application to security risks, compromising data integrity and user privacy. Fortunately, npm provides a simple and effective way to check for vulnerabilities in the project's dependencies. This tutorial shows how to check JavaScript dependencies vulnerabilities using npm.

The npm audit command analyzes the dependencies in the project and identify potential vulnerabilities. It scans the installed packages and checks them against a database of known vulnerabilities.

npm audit

Here's an example output when no security vulnerabilities found:

found 0 vulnerabilities

Here's an example of the output you might see when running the command and vulnerabilities are found:

# npm audit report

vite  4.1.0 - 4.1.4
Severity: high
Vite Server Options (server.fs.deny) can be bypassed using double forward-slash (//) -
fix available via `npm audit fix`

1 high severity vulnerability

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