Get Outdated JavaScript Packages using npm

Get Outdated JavaScript Packages using npm

Keeping JavaScript packages up to date is important for maintaining the security and stability of your projects. Outdated packages can introduce vulnerabilities or compatibility issues, hindering the overall performance of the application. Fortunately, npm offers convenient tools to help to identify outdated JavaScript packages. This tutorial explains how to get outdated JavaScript packages using npm.

The npm outdated command compares the currently installed versions of the packages in the project with the versions available in the npm registry. The command provides a clear overview of the outdated packages in the project, along with information about the current and latest versions of each package.

npm outdated

Here's an example of what you might see as output when executing the command:

Package                  Current  Wanted      Latest  Location                              Depended by
bootstrap                  4.6.0   4.6.2       5.3.0  node_modules/bootstrap                my-project
jquery                     3.6.0   3.7.0       3.7.0  node_modules/jquery                   my-project
moment                    2.29.1  2.29.4      2.29.4  node_modules/moment                   my-project
moment-timezone           0.5.33  0.5.43      0.5.43  node_modules/moment-timezone          my-project
node-sass                  6.0.1   6.0.1       9.0.0  node_modules/node-sass                my-project
sass-loader               12.3.0  12.6.0      13.3.2  node_modules/sass-loader              my-project

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