Check VMware Tools Version on Linux Virtual Machine

Check VMware Tools Version on Linux Virtual Machine

VMware Tools is a suite of utilities that enhances the performance and functionality of a virtual machine (VM) running on VMware's virtualization platform. It provides important features like time synchronization, guest customization, and improved graphics capabilities, making it an essential component for a smooth virtualization experience. To ensure your VM is running with the latest or a specific version of VMware Tools, you need a quick and simple way to check it. This tutorial shows how to check VMware Tools version on Linux virtual machine.

The vmware-toolbox-cmd is a command line tool for managing and interacting with VMware Tools on a virtual machine running within a VMware virtualization environment. To get VMware Tools version on Linux VM, run the following command:

vmware-toolbox-cmd --version

The output will look something like this: (build-20735119)

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