Install IOzone on Ubuntu 24.04

Install IOzone on Ubuntu 24.04

IOzone is a popular benchmarking tool designed to measure and analyze the performance of file system input/output (I/O) operations. It helps in evaluating various file system performance aspects, such as read, write, re-read, re-write, random access, and more.

This tutorial explains how to install IOzone on Ubuntu 24.04.

Install IOzone

Update the package lists:

sudo apt update

Run the following command to install IOzone:

sudo apt install -y iozone3

We can check IOzone version as follows:

iozone -v

Testing IOzone

To use IOzone, you can run it from the command line with various options that specify the type of benchmark you want to perform. For example, the command:

iozone -a -I -s 102400 -r 1024 -f /tmp/iozone.tmp

It performs all tests (-a) across different file operations (read, write, etc.) on a 100 MiB file (-s 102400, where 102400 is in KiB) with a record size of 1 MiB (-r 1024). The -I option enables direct I/O, bypassing the system cache, and -f specifies the temporary file to be used during testing.

Output example:

        Auto Mode
        O_DIRECT feature enabled
        File size set to 102400 kB
        Record Size 1024 kB
        Command line used: iozone -a -I -s 102400 -r 1024 -f /tmp/iozone.tmp
        Output is in kBytes/sec
        Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
        Processor cache size set to 1024 kBytes.
        Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
        File stride size set to 17 * record size.
                                                                    random    random      bkwd     record     stride
              kB  reclen    write    rewrite      read    reread      read     write      read    rewrite       read    fwrite  frewrite     fread   freread
          102400    1024   2380000   2464493   2748624   2875911   2869877   2558465   2817280    3564471    2861293   4837938   8418235  14287598  15152572

Uninstall IOzone

If you want to completely remove IOzone, execute the following command:

sudo apt purge --autoremove -y iozone3

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