Install Nethogs on Ubuntu 20.04

Install Nethogs on Ubuntu 20.04

Nethogs is a tool for monitoring network bandwidth via command line. Different than most of the other tools, Nethogs groups bandwidth usage by process instead of per protocol or per subnet.

This tutorial explains how to install Nethogs on Ubuntu 20.04.

Install Nethogs

Make sure the package lists are up-to-date:

sudo apt update

Install Nethogs:

sudo apt install -y nethogs

When installation is finished, we can check Nethogs version:

nethogs -V

Testing Nethogs

Run nethogs command without any arguments, if you want view network bandwidth usage on all interfaces that's running:

sudo nethogs

Run the following command to get a list of all available network interfaces:

ip addr show

Next, provide interface name as argument to view the bandwidth usage on a specific interface:

sudo nethogs ens33
Network bandwidth usage monitoring using Nethogs on Ubuntu

Press q to exit Nethogs.

Uninstall Nethogs

If you want to completely remove Nethogs, run the following command:

sudo apt purge --autoremove -y nethogs

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