qBittorrent-nox is an open-source BitTorrent client for downloading files. qBittorrent-nox is same as the standard qBittorrent but without the desktop graphical user interface. qBittorrent-nox provides only web interface.
This tutorial explains how to install qBittorrent-nox on Ubuntu 20.04.
Install qBittorrent-nox
Add the qBittorrent repository:
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:qbittorrent-team/qbittorrent-stable
Install qBittorrent-nox:
sudo apt install -y qbittorrent-nox
After installation, we can check qBittorrent-nox version:
qbittorrent-nox --version
Run qBittorrent-nox as a service
In order to run qBittorrent-nox as a service we need to configure systemd. Create a systemd unit file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/qbittorrent-nox.service
Add following content to the file:
Description=qBittorrent client
ExecStart=/usr/bin/qbittorrent-nox --webui-port=8080
You can change web interface port if you want.
Start qBittorrent-nox service:
sudo service qbittorrent-nox start
You can run the following command to make sure that qBittorrent-nox service is running:
sudo service qbittorrent-nox status
Also you can stop or restart the service:
sudo service qbittorrent-nox stop
sudo service qbittorrent-nox restart
To enable qBittorrent-nox to start on boot, run the following command:
sudo systemctl enable qbittorrent-nox
Testing qBittorrent-nox
Open a browser and enter URL address http://<IP_ADDRESS>:8080
, where <IP_ADDRESS>
is IP address of your machine. You can log in to the web UI with the default username (admin
) and password (adminadmin
If you want to change password, click "Tools" in the menu bar and then "Options". Select the Web UI tab. Under the "Authentication" section, you can change change password.
Uninstall qBittorrent-nox
If you want to completely remove the qBittorrent-nox, stop the service and remove a systemd unit file.
sudo service qbittorrent-nox stop
sudo systemctl disable qbittorrent-nox
sudo rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/qbittorrent-nox.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl reset-failed
Remove qBittorrent-nox:
sudo apt purge --autoremove -y qbittorrent-nox
Remove GPG key and repository:
sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/qbittorrent-team_ubuntu_qbittorrent-stable.gpg
sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qbittorrent-team-ubuntu-qbittorrent-stable-focal.list
You can also remove the qBittorrent configuration, cache, and other related directories:
sudo rm -rf /.config/qBittorrent
sudo rm -rf /.local/share/qBittorrent
sudo rm -rf /.cache/qBittorrent
rm -rf ~/.config/qBittorrent
rm -rf ~/.local/share/qBittorrent
rm -rf ~/.cache/qBittorrent
The 4 Comments Found
Worked flawlessly for me on a headless server.
I had trouble with another guide's '.service' file, but this one worked great on Ubuntu Server 20.04
Thanks for the great content. People who help others learn have my utmost respect.
One thing you could add is a seperate user for the torrent service. I think it's more secure to do so.
What i did: Add a user with a nologin shell and no password to the system. Edit the service config and add User=youruser under the [Service] tag.
Great work !!!
Thanks :)
For a more practical solution, simply enter the command line:
su -c "qbittorrent-nox" -s /bin/sh "username"
It will generate a random password, copy it
Open the web portal and log in with the user "admin" and the random password generated
The portal will open and then you will change the password and save.
In the terminal, press CTRL+C to stop.
With this, you can run the command to start as a service.
Note: I set it so that my internal network is treated as a bypass over the router's IP range.
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