Install Typst on Ubuntu 24.04

Install Typst on Ubuntu 24.04

Typst is a modern typesetting system designed to make it easier and more efficient to create professional-quality documents. It combines the simplicity of Markdown with the power and flexibility of LaTeX, offering a user-friendly syntax and a high degree of customization. This tutorial explains how to install Typst on Ubuntu 24.04.

Install Typst

Download the latest Typst from its GitHub repository:

wget -qO typst.tar.xz

Extract executable to /usr/local/bin directory:

sudo tar xf typst.tar.xz --strip-components=1 -C /usr/local/bin typst-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/typst

Typst version can be checked as follows:

typst --version

Remove no longer needed file:

rm -rf typst.tar.xz

Testing Typst

To use Typst, start by creating a Typst document file with your desired content. For example, you can create a file named article.typ and add content to it using the following command:

printf "= Introduction\nIn this article, we will explore..." > article.typ

Next, compile the document into a final formatted output (such as a PDF) using this command:

typst compile article.typ

It will generate a file named article.pdf.

Uninstall Typst

To remove Typst, delete the associated file:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/typst

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