Traits provide a way to reuse code in classes without using inheritance. All properties and methods declared in trait are available within the class. Since PHP 8.2, we can use constants in traits. Trait constants can also be declared with visibility modifiers such as public
, protected
or private
trait CommandTrait
public const SUCCESS = 0;
public const FAILURE = 1;
Accessing trait constants
Trait constants cannot be accessed directly by using the trait name, either inside the trait, or from outside it.
trait CommandTrait
public const SUCCESS = 0;
public const FAILURE = 1;
public function test(): void
$status = self::SUCCESS; // Valid
$status = static::SUCCESS; // Valid
$status = CommandTrait::SUCCESS; // Error
require_once 'CommandTrait.php';
CommandTrait::SUCCESS; // Error
The trait constants can be accessed via the class that uses the trait.
class ReadFileCommand
use CommandTrait;
require_once 'CommandTrait.php';
require_once 'ReadFileCommand.php';
ReadFileCommand::SUCCESS; // Valid
Overriding trait constants
Overriding trait constants is not allowed in the class that directly uses the trait. A class that uses the trait and declares a constant with the same name as in the trait, should use the same visibility modifier and value.
trait CommandTrait
public const SUCCESS = 0;
public const FAILURE = 1;
protected const DEBUG = false;
class ReadFileCommand
use CommandTrait;
public const SUCCESS = 0; // Valid
public const FAILURE = -1; // Error, different value
public const DEBUG = false; // Error, different visibility modifier
A class that extends another class, which uses the trait, can override the constants declared in the trait.
class ReadFileCommand
use CommandTrait;
class ReadCsvFileCommand extends ReadFileCommand
public const SUCCESS = 0; // Valid
public const FAILURE = -1; // Valid
public const DEBUG = false; // Valid
The trait constants can also be declared as final. It means that there is no way to override constant.
trait CommandTrait
final public const SUCCESS = 0;
class ReadFileCommand
use CommandTrait;
class ReadCsvFileCommand extends ReadFileCommand
public const SUCCESS = 0; // Error
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