Managing Python projects can become tricky when different projects require different versions of libraries or dependencies. A great solution to this problem is using virtual environments. Python's built-in venv module...
Managing Python packages is an important part of maintaining a clean and efficient development environment. Over time, the environment can accumulate unused or outdated packages, which can lead to clutter...
Xdebug is a popular PHP extension used by developers to debug code, analyze performance, and gain insights into the execution of their applications. It provides features like step debugging, stack...
Fluent Bit is a lightweight and efficient data processor and forwarder for logs, metrics, and traces. It’s widely used to aggregate and ship data to various endpoints like Elasticsearch, OpenObserve...
By default, wget follows redirects automatically. This behavior is often convenient, but there are situations where you might want to avoid following redirects. For example, you might be debugging a...
When working with web servers or troubleshooting HTTP requests, it can be handy to retrieve only the HTTP status code from a response. This can be helpful for testing the...
When working with HTTP requests, it's often useful to quickly check the status code of a response without displaying the entire body or headers. It can be useful if you're...
Sccache is a command line utility designed to accelerate the recompilation process by caching previously compiled objects. It supports languages such as C, C++, Rust, and more. By storing the...
Fastfetch is a command line utility designed to display detailed system information, including the operating system, kernel, uptime, CPU, GPU, memory, swap and disk usage, installed package count, etc. Written...
Nginx is an open-source web server that delivers web content to clients. In addition to serving static and dynamic web content, it can function as a reverse proxy, load balancer...