Install Fastfetch on Raspberry Pi

Install Fastfetch on Raspberry Pi

Fastfetch is a command line utility designed to display detailed system information, including the operating system, kernel, uptime, CPU, GPU, memory, swap and disk usage, installed package count, etc. Written in the C programming language, it is compatible with a wide range of operating systems.

This tutorial shows how to install Fastfetch on Raspberry Pi.

Install Fastfetch

Download tar.gz file from releases page of the Fastfetch repository:

wget -qO fastfetch.tar.gz

Extract the fastfetch file from the tar.gz archive to the /usr/local/bin directory:

sudo tar xf fastfetch.tar.gz --strip-components=3 -C /usr/local/bin fastfetch-linux-aarch64/usr/bin/fastfetch

You can check the Fastfetch version using the following command:

fastfetch --version

The tar.gz file is no longer required, we can safely delete it:

rm -rf fastfetch.tar.gz

Testing Fastfetch

Execute the fastfetch command without any arguments:


The command will output system information of the Raspberry Pi.

Display system information using Fastfetch on Raspberry Pi

Uninstall Fastfetch

To uninstall Fastfetch, simply delete its associated file:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/fastfetch

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