On Linux, it can be useful to know when the system was last booted, for example, to troubleshoot system issues or to monitor system uptime. This tutorial shows how to...
If you are working with ONNX models, it is important to know how to retrieve the input and output shapes of the model. Using this information, you can prepare input...
C++ has several built-in data types that are used to store different kinds of values. Each data type has a specific range of values that it can hold. The minimum...
In C++, variables and expressions have a specific data type. The size of each data type depends on the compiler and the system. When writing high-performance applications in C++, it...
One of the essential information that developer may require to get is the CPU architecture of the Linux system. The CPU architecture defines the basic instruction set, such as x86...
When writing CUDA applications, it's important to keep track of the amount of memory used by CUDA device, as it can have a significant impact on performance. This tutorial explains...
When working with multiple CUDA capable devices on a system, it is important to be able to specify which device to use for computations. By default, the first available CUDA...
When working with CUDA capable devices, it is important to ensure that the application is utilizing the correct device. In some scenarios, you may need to programmatically determine which device...
Knowing the version of the gcc or g++ compiler used to compile C++ code can be helpful in various scenarios, such as identifying potential compatibility issues, or optimizing code to...
Peak memory bandwidth is an important metric in high-performance computing, as it represents the maximum rate at which data can be transferred between a GPU's memory and its processing units...