Copy Command Output to Clipboard on Windows

Copy Command Output to Clipboard on Windows

Copying command output to the clipboard on Windows can be incredibly useful for sharing information or saving it for later use without the need to manually type or save it elsewhere. This tutorial explains how to copy command output to clipboard on Windows.

CMD is a fundamental command line interface on Windows, and we can easily copy the output of a command to the clipboard using the clip command. We'll illustrate this with the ipconfig command, which provides network-related information.

ipconfig | clip

Running the ipconfig command followed by | clip will pipe the output of ipconfig to the clipboard, making it ready for pasting into any application.

PowerShell is a powerful command line interface on Windows that provides enhanced functionalities. To copy the output of a command to the clipboard in PowerShell, we can use the Set-Clipboard cmdlet. Again, we'll use the ipconfig command as an example.

ipconfig | Set-Clipboard

The output of ipconfig is set to the clipboard, enabling you to paste it wherever needed.

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