Get Available Storage Devices on Linux

Get Available Storage Devices on Linux

Knowing the storage devices connected to a Linux system is crucial for various tasks such as system administration and maintenance. Whether you need to retrieve the available storage devices on the system, troubleshoot storage-related issues, or plan for future upgrades, knowing how to efficiently retrieve information about the storage devices is a fundamental skill. This tutorial explains how to get available storage devices on Linux.

The lsblk is a Linux command line tool used to list information about block devices on a system. Block devices are storage devices like hard drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), and other storage media.

To retrieve the model names of storage devices, execute the following command:

lsblk -ndo MODEL

The output may look something like this:

Samsung SSD 990 PRO with Heatsink 2TB

Let's break down the command options step by step:

  • -n - this option disables the printing of the header line, making the output cleaner and easier to read.
  • -d - it restricts the output to listing only the block devices (disks), excluding partitions.
  • -o MODEL - this option specifies that we want to display the model name of each storage device.

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