Install bombardier Load Testing Tool on Ubuntu 24.04

Install bombardier Load Testing Tool on Ubuntu 24.04

The bombardier is a load testing tool specifically designed for HTTP applications and APIs. This tool can simulate multiple users by sending a high volume of requests to a target service over a period of time. This tutorial shows how to install bombardier load testing tool on Ubuntu 24.04.

Install bombardier

Download executable to /usr/local/bin directory:

sudo wget -qO /usr/local/bin/bombardier

Set execute permission for file:

sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/bombardier

Run the following command to check the version of the bombardier:

bombardier --version

Testing bombardier

There are multiple ways to use the bombardier command. For instance, the command below performs a load test by sending 50 requests with 10 concurrent users to the specified website URL:

bombardier -c 10 -n 50

The test results are displayed in the following format:

 50 / 50 [=====================================================] 100.00% 24/s 2s
Statistics        Avg      Stdev        Max
  Reqs/sec        27.50      52.38     202.13
  Latency      333.52ms    84.61ms   503.45ms
  HTTP codes:
    1xx - 0, 2xx - 50, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
    others - 0
  Throughput:     1.41MB/s

Uninstall bombardier

To uninstall bombardier, delete the associated file:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/bombardier

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