Install pdu Directory Analyzer on Ubuntu 24.04

Install pdu Directory Analyzer on Ubuntu 24.04

The pdu (Parallel Disk Usage) is a command line tool designed for analyzing disk usage within a directory tree and providing a graphical representation of that usage. This tutorial demonstrates how to install pdu directory analyzer on Ubuntu 24.04.

Install pdu

Download pdu executable and place it into /usr/local/bin directory:

sudo wget -qO /usr/local/bin/pdu

Set execute permission for file:

sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/pdu

We can check pdu version with command:

pdu --version

Testing pdu

To analyze the disk usage of a specific directory, supply the directory path as an argument. For instance, the following command analyzes the /usr directory up to a depth of two levels:

sudo pdu --max-depth 2 /usr
Disk usage of usr directory using pdu on Ubuntu

Uninstall pdu

To uninstall pdu, remove the related file:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/pdu

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