Install btop++ on Raspberry Pi

Install btop++ on Raspberry Pi

The btop++ is a tool that enables to monitor system resources and running processes via command line. This tool displays CPU, RAM, disk, and network usage. The btop++ is written using C++ programming language.

This tutorial explains how to install btop++ on Raspberry Pi.

Install btop++

Connect to Raspberry Pi via SSH and download archive file from releases page of the btop++ repository:

wget -qO btop.tbz

Run the following command to extract btop executable file from archive:

sudo tar xf btop.tbz --strip-components=2 -C /usr/local ./btop/bin/btop

Now btop command will be available for all users as system-wide command.

We can check btop++ version:

btop --version

Remove archive file because no longer needed it:

rm -rf btop.tbz

Testing btop++

We can run btop++ by simply executing:

System resources and processes monitoring using btop++ on Raspberry Pi

To exit btop++, type CTRL+C.

Uninstall btop++

If you want to completely remove btop++, delete executable file:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/btop

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