Get Python Version using C++

Get Python Version using C++

Python is a versatile and popular programming language, which is used in various areas like web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and more. If you're working with C++ and need...
Clear Ccache Cache

Clear Ccache Cache

Ccache accelerates the recompilation process by caching previously compiled objects, making it a useful tool for optimizing build times. Over time, the cache can accumulate unnecessary or outdated files, taking...
Initialize Composer on New Project

Initialize Composer on New Project

Composer is a powerful dependency manager for PHP that simplifies the process of managing external libraries and packages in the projects. It helps streamline the installation and updating of packages...
Install Ccache on Ubuntu 24.04

Install Ccache on Ubuntu 24.04

Ccache is a powerful tool that speeds up the recompilation process by caching previously compiled objects. This can be especially beneficial for developers working on large projects or frequently building...
Create URL Slug in Symfony 7

Create URL Slug in Symfony 7

In the web development, constructing clean and search engine-friendly URLs is a crucial aspect of optimizing the application for both users and search engines. Using Unicode characters in URLs is...