CouchDB is a cross-platform document database released by the Apache Software Foundation. CouchDB is classified as a NoSQL database. So, it stores data in JSON-based document format. CouchDB is an...
RabbitMQ is a message broker that enables applications to communicate with each other and exchange information. It implements AMQP messaging protocol. RabbitMQ is an open-source project that is written by...
Grafana is a cross-platform tool for data visualization, analytics, and monitoring. Data is retrieved from various data sources such as MySQL, Prometheus and then data is presented in the form...
The linkding is a web-based bookmark application for managing links to websites that a user can revisit in the future. The linkding is an open-source project that released under the...
TubeSync is a web-based application to synchronize channels and playlists from YouTube to local directories. It also allows updating the own media server once videos are downloaded.
This tutorial explains...
The pyLoad is a web-based download manager that allows users to download files from various file hosting websites, including Rapidshare, Megaupload, and many others.
This tutorial explains how to install...
Podgrab is a web-based podcast manager which automatically downloads latest podcast episodes. Podgrab is an open-source project that released under the GPLv3 license.
This tutorial explains how to install Podgrab...
OliveTin is a tool that allows to access to predefined shell commands from a web interface. OliveTin is an open-source project released under the AGPL license.
This tutorial explains how...
NocoDB is a web-based platform for creating and managing custom database applications without the need for coding skills. With NocoDB, users can create applications such as project management, customer relationship...
MeTube is a web-based application for downloading videos from YouTube and other websites supported by yt-dlp tool. MeTube is an open-source project available under the AGPL license.
This tutorial explains...