The micro is a text editor for creating and modifying text files via command line. It supports syntax highlighting, line numbers, common keybindings (CTRL+C, CTRL+V, …), undo/redo, text selection with...
When the first time connected to Portainer dashboard, we need to create administrator user. If you forgot admin password, you can reset it by using a commands.
This tutorial explains...
Grafana provides the dashboard that can be accessed via a web browser. Default username is admin and password admin. If you changed the admin password and forgot it, you can...
The qBittorrent-nox provides web UI. By default, username is admin and password is adminadmin. If you changed the admin password and forgot it, you can reset the password by modifying...
If you have installed CouchDB database in your system and you forgot the admin password, you can reset it by editing a configuration file.
This tutorial explains how to reset...
If you have installed self-managed GitLab CE instance in your server and you forgot the root password, you can reset it via command line.
This tutorial explains how to reset...
When working with Linux system as a administrator, we might want to get a list of all users in the system or to count the number of users. This tutorial...
LibVLC library can be used to display RTSP stream from IP camera on Android application. Until the video stream gets to start showing in VLC player, a black surface appears...
Nmap is a command line tool which allow scanning network and perform security audit. This tool provides the ability to find what devices are connected to the network, what services...
Nikto is an open-source command line tool for web server scanning. This tool runs many tests against web server to find security vulnerabilities such as server misconfiguration, outdated software, insecure...