Dlib is an open-source library that provides machine learning algorithms and tools for solving classification, regression, and clustering problems.
This tutorial demonstrates how to install precompiled Dlib on Raspberry Pi...
While working with network applications we may need to check if a network port is open. Programming languages provides methods to do that. A table includes a links to posts...
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit number, commonly represented as a hexadecimal string. UUID can be used to uniquely identify objects across a network. While working with data validators...
While working with text processing we might need to truncate a string to given length and add ellipsis (...) if necessary. A table includes a links to posts with examples...
Working with data sometimes we need to perform various operations. Programming languages provides methods to repeat a string for given number of times. A table includes a links to posts...
Simple linear regression is a statistical method that is used to analyze the relationship between two continuous variables:
x - independent variable also known as explanatory or predictor.
Working with data sometimes we need to perform various operations. Programming languages provides methods to shuffle the characters in a string. A table includes a links to posts with examples...
The libfacedetection is an open-source library to detect faces in the images. Library is based on CNN (Convolutional Neural Network). A pre-trained CNN model has been converted to C arrays...
There are many algorithms to reduce noise in an image. A bilateral filter is often used for noise reduction while preserving edges in an image. This filter calculates a weighted...
There are various algorithms that allow to reduce noise in an image. One of them is the median filter. This filter calculates the median of all the pixels in the...