The Card Identification (CID) register is a unique identifier embedded in SD cards by the manufacturer. This identifier contains information such as manufacturer ID (MID), OEM/application ID (OID), product name...
The fio (Flexible I/O Tester) is a benchmarking and testing tool used to evaluate the performance of storage systems. It is commonly employed to test the input/output performance of hard...
Whether you're an administrator looking to audit user accounts or a developer integrating with RabbitMQ, knowing how to retrieve the list of users is essential. This tutorial demonstrates how to...
RabbitMQ is a widely used message broker that facilitates communication between different services and applications. Monitoring active connections in RabbitMQ are crucial for debugging, performance analysis, and ensuring smooth operations...
A queue in RabbitMQ is a buffer that stores messages until they are processed by consumers. Producers send messages to queues, and consumers retrieve and process them asynchronously. Knowing a...
The rabbitmqadmin is a command line tool for managing a RabbitMQ message broker. It is a lightweight utility that interacts with the RabbitMQ HTTP API, allowing users to manage exchanges...
Virtual hosts in RabbitMQ provide a way to separate different environments or applications within a single RabbitMQ instance. Each virtual host acts as a namespace for exchanges, queues, and bindings...
Redis is a high-performance, in-memory data store that efficiently handles multiple client connections. Monitoring active connections in Redis is crucial for performance tuning and debugging. Keeping track of these connections...
When working with MySQL, you may need to remove all rows from a table while keeping its structure intact. MySQL provides two main ways to achieve this: using the DELETE...
In MySQL, when rows are deleted from a table with an AUTO_INCREMENT primary key, gaps in the sequence may appear. While this typically doesn't impact functionality, there may be cases...